“每年, 十大赌博正规老平台协会表彰来自切萨皮克各地的杰出领导人,他们在保护和恢复我们的自然系统和文化资源方面取得了重大和堪称典范的成就.”
自2014年以来, 我们已经认可了许多个人和组织作为切萨皮克的捍卫者,因为他们致力于保护和保护切萨皮克湾, the largest estuary in the United States, and deemed a national treasure.
Our Heartfelt Congratulations to the 2023 切萨皮克的冠军!
Nethra Purushothaman
一小群女童子军, led by 14-year-old Nethra Purushothaman, 质疑女童子军国家首都委员会出售乔治王子县数百英亩森林栖息地的计划, 马里兰, 发展. Nethra and her friends stood up for East Marlton Forest. With some mentoring from 十大赌博正规老平台 and Sierra Club of 马里兰, it appears these big little heroes were victorious, and most of the land will become part of the Charles Branch Stream Valley Park.
詹姆斯和西尔维娅·厄尔 are long-time supporters of 十大赌博正规老平台. 他们决定通过为当地的保护非营利组织提供一个工作场所来留下持久的遗产,这将深刻地影响十大赌博正规老平台组织的子孙后代. As 十大赌博正规老平台 knows, one of the most difficult challenges nonprofits face is fundraising for overhead costs, 比如租金. By enabling the Conservancy to acquire its own building, the Earl family gift will relieve several local nonprofits of that burden, as well as provide space for collaboration and sharing resources. 十大赌博正规老平台 is forever grateful for their support of our important work.
Previous 切萨皮克的冠军
文斯·莱格 |
安妮·理查森局长, 接受部落 |
文斯·莱格特因努力保护切萨皮克湾的黑人历史和文化而受到认可. 15年来, Leggett worked tirelessly to preserve Elktonia beach, 位于切萨皮克湾的一个五英亩的海滨地块,是弗雷德·卡尔于1902年购买的180英亩原始财产的最后残余. Carr’s and Sparrow’s Beaches were privately owned and operated by Fred Carr’s daughters, Elizabeth Carr Smith and Florence Carr Sparrow. 《十大赌博正规老平台》(1930 -1970), 他们被称为, 代表了整个大西洋中部地区的娱乐中心,在种族隔离时期欢迎黑人. | 安妮·理查森酋长在拉帕汉诺克部落归还拉帕汉诺克河东岸丰斯悬崖上一块465英亩的圣地的过程中发挥了重要作用. 这个网站, 被称为Pissacoack, will be permanently protected by a conservation easement and used for recreation and education. Fones Cliffs也是秃鹰巢穴的所在地,并已被国家奥杜邦协会指定为具有全球意义的重要鸟类区. |
国家公园管理局切萨皮克湾办公室助理警司Jonathan Doherty被授予切萨皮克奖冠军, 为了纪念f his devotion, commitment and passion for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 多尔蒂一直是切萨皮克湾保护和十大赌博正规老平台伙伴关系的不可思议的合作伙伴和领导者.
Doherty retired in June after 41 years with t他最初在冰川国家公园担任山羊监督员. 从那里, 他在哥伦比亚河峡谷委员会担任了十年的执行董事,然后担任中大西洋地区国家公园和国家遗产区规划负责人. 1998年国会通过《十大赌博平台排行榜》后,多尔蒂担任NPS切萨皮克湾办公室的首任主任. The legislation created the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, 识别网络, 解释, conserve and restore Chesapeake resources and connect people to the Bay.
In his 22 years of service with the Chesapeake Bay office, Doherty helped build the Gateways Network as well as the Chesapeake Conservation Partnership, create hundreds of public access sites, oversee the Captain 约翰 Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and much more.
“In the early years of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, 乔纳森做了一根手杖, established a working group of innovative thinkers from throughout the watershed, awarded millions of dollars in grants to Gateway projects, and established partnership agreements with more than 170 sites regionwide,约翰·雷诺兹说, 十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会成员,前国家公园管理局副局长(已退休), who presented the award on behalf of 十大赌博正规老平台.
The event took place on November 7, 2019 at the 国家水族馆 in Balitmore, 马里兰.
2019年公共服务奖由切萨皮克湾委员会领导层-参议员Guy Guzzone(医学博士)获得。, 参议员姚志刚(PA), and Delegate David Bulova (VA). |
The 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award was received by Ann P. Swanson,执行董事 |
主旨演讲由美国.S. 参议员克里斯·范·霍伦主讲人发言.S. Representative Bobby Scott and马里兰 House of Delegates Speaker Adrienne Jones活动举行日期:2019年11月7日,星期四国家水族馆501 E. Pratt Street, 巴尔的摩, MD 21202 |
创e Yaw, Senate of 宾西法尼亚 (R-23)
参议员 创e Yaw was elected to represent the 23rd 参议员ial District in November 2008. He Chairs the Environmental Resources & Energy Committee and is Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee. He is also a member of the Judiciary, Law & Justice; Agriculture & Rural Affairs; and Banking & 保险委员会. Yaw曾担任莱康明县律师17年,并担任宾夕法尼亚理工学院总法律顾问20多年. He now serves on its 董事会 and is Chair of the Center for Rural 宾西法尼亚. Yaw是威廉波特麦考密克草坪事务所的“法律顾问”,也是莱康明法律协会的成员, 宾西法尼亚 Bar Association and 宾西法尼亚 Association for Justice. A U.S. 陆军老兵, he earned degrees from Lycoming College and the American University School of Law in Washington, D.C.
大卫L. Bulova, Virginia House of Delegates (D-37)
David Bulova has represented the 37th District of the Virginia House of Delegates since 2006. The 37th District includes the City of Fairfax and portions of western Fairfax County. 在众议院, he serves on the 创eral Laws; Agriculture; Chesapeake and Natural Resources; and Education Committees, as well as the State Water Commission, 房屋委员会, Joint Commission on Health Care and the Virginia War Memorial Board. 他还担任州长任命的南部地区教育委员会立法咨询委员会成员和弗吉尼亚水资源研究中心立法咨询委员会成员. 专业, Delegate Bulova works as a Project Manager and Senior Environmental Planner for Wood, PLC). 他的主要专业领域包括MS4第一期和第二期许可证的规划和实施, NPDES stormwater industrial permit implementation, 流域规划, and stormwater funding feasibility studies and utility implementation.
家伙J. Guzzone, Senate of 马里兰 (D-13)
参议员 Guy Guzzone was elected to the 马里兰 Senate in 2014, after serving in the 马里兰 House of Delegates from 2007 to 2015. He currently serves as Senate Majority Leader. He is also a member of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, Chair of its Health and Human Resources Subcommittee, and additionally a member of both its Capital Budget and Pensions Subcommittees. Other current committee assignments include Rules, 立法政策, 支出负担能力, 和行政, Executive and Legislative Review. 在他的立法服务之前, he spent eight years on the Howard County Council, including serving as its Chair. 参议员Guzzone也是Sierra Club的前州董事,并曾担任Chesapeake Bay Trust的受托人, and as a commissioner of the 马里兰 Growth, 资源保护, 及规划委员会.
Ann Swanson,执行董事
Ann Swanson has served as a leader in the Bay restoration for 36 years, the last 31 as the Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a tri-state legislative authority serving the states of 马里兰, 宾西法尼亚, 和维吉尼亚州. 委员会的责任是在州一级发起立法并与州立法者合作, 联合国成员国.S. 国会, 以及联邦和州监管机构协调旨在恢复切萨皮克湾的项目.
Although Ann operates in a highly political environment, she is trained in the sciences. A trained wildlife biologist and forest ecologist, she graduated with honors from the University of Vermont and Yale University. She holds an honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Vermont.
Ann has been recognized regionally, nationally and internationally for her work. She delivered a keynote address at the Stockholm Water Festival, 曾任佛蒙特大学鲁宾斯坦环境与自然资源学院院长11年, and has been recognized with awards by her colleagues in the Bay watershed, the governors of the region and the 创eral Assemblies of 马里兰, 宾夕法尼亚州和弗吉尼亚州.
Thank you to our generous sponsors for their support of this event!
For more information about how you can sponsor this invite-only event in the future,
请联系 (电子邮件保护) or Melissa Ehrenreich at (443) 482-9083.
切萨皮克的冠军 2018 took place on November 1, 2018 at Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC.
View remarks from the President at the event
Accepted by Kristin Thomasgard-Spence |
拉里·塞尔泽接受 |
尼克·迪尔克斯接受 |
The Department of Defense’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) program for its creative approach to conserve habitat and biodiversity across a 385,000-mile corridor in the Chesapeake. 观看视频 featuring some of the work of the REPI program. |
自然保育基金 因为它致力于保护切萨皮克和约翰·史密斯切萨皮克小径沿线的自然和文化重要土地. 观看视频 featuring some of the work of the Conservation Fund. |
生态系统投资伙伴 为他们的领导创造新的工作能力模式,为切萨皮克以结果为中心的修复和保护提供资金. 观看视频 featuring some of the work of 生态系统投资伙伴. |
承认 负责人 查克•亨特 国家公园管理局, Chesapeake Bay Office for his years of work and dedication to the Chesapeake. 我们祝他在担任Jean Lafitte国家历史公园和保护区负责人的新任务中好运.
The 2017 切萨皮克的冠军 was held on October 15, 2017 at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.
观看视频 featuring each of the award winner’s Chesapeake achievements.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe |
慈善冠军 |
龙头企业 |
Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, accepted by Sarah Miller Coulson
Microsoft Corporation, accepted by Fred Humphries
Our Third Annual 切萨皮克的冠军 Awards Dinner was held on October 4, 2016. 这个一年一度的 awards dinner is a chance to celebrate the accomplishments of the Chesapeake’s biggest advocates, where we recognize the public servants, 公司, 个人慈善家, 以及支持协会工作并将自己的职业生涯奉献给切萨皮克湾的下一代环保主义者.
Read 十大赌博正规老平台 President and CEO Joel Dunn’s remarks from the evening
尊敬的约翰·W. 华纳, 前你.S. 弗吉尼亚州参议员 |
慈善冠军 |
龙头企业 |
新一代冠军 |
accepted by Matt Liddle, Mid-Atlantic Manager for Outdoor Programs and Outreach
NOAA Coastal Management Fellow at 马里兰 Department of Natural Resources
Our sincere gratitude to our 2016 sponsors
梅尔文的 & Ryna Cohen Family Foundation, Inc.
Stephen F. 哈珀
约翰 & 苏尼利
理查德跟 & 布鲁斯Ragsdale
Shore Bancshares, Inc.
Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Four Rivers Garden Club of Annapolis
Geo-Technology Associates, Inc.
马里兰 League of Conservation Voters
公共服务冠军: 尊敬的芭芭拉. Mikulski U.S. 参议员 (琳达·普罗查斯卡接受)
个人冠军: 基思。坎贝尔
龙头企业: Skyline Technologies Solutions
(图片来源:上士. Thaddeus Harrington, 马里兰 National Guard Public Affairs Office.) |
Second Annual 切萨皮克的冠军
National Park Service Director Jonathan B. 贾维斯
Our sincere gratitude to our sponsors who made 切萨皮克的冠军 possible
迈克尔D. 安·汉金
安纳波利斯镇中心 | Stephen F. 哈珀 | 红叶奶牛场
Shorebanc股份有限公司. | BB&T | Cherry Bekaert, LLP | 切萨皮克承包集团
Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. 玛格丽特·杰克逊和爱德华·杰克逊
Martin Architectural Group | 马里兰 League of Conservation Voters
Reliable Contracting Company, Inc. | Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. | Verna Harrison Associates, LLP
Stephenson Pope Babcock Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association
生态系统投资伙伴 | Mohawk Paper | Central National-Gottesman Foundation
基思·坎贝尔基金会 for the Environment
Foundation for 宾西法尼亚 Watersheds
Annapolis Tours by Watermark | 区照片, Inc.
托盘公司.埃里克·斯旺森 | World Class Flowers